Period of Adjustment Philemom Disclaimer: Just borrowing, don't sue the poor stay home mom Summary: At the beginning, it's always a little rocky Spoilers: None Timing: Post season 8 Classification: MSR Archive: Anywhere - just keep my name on it and let me know where it's headed. Rating: PG Feedback: if you can find it in your hearts Period of Adjustment By Philemom When he left, she was sleeping. And as much as he wanted to wake her, he didn't. Every minute of sleep was a blessing and he wasn't going to disturb that. As much as he wanted to, needed to, he wouldn't. Because last night they'd fought again. Because her words still echoed in his ears. "I was prepared to raise this baby alone, Mulder. And sometimes I think it would be easier if I was." In a fog, he made his way to work. Down the long trek to the basement of the FBI. A part of him was thrilled just to make this trip. If not for the valiant work of Agents Doggett and Reyes, he'd still be banned from the building. Mulder may have turned the X Files over to Doggett, but the man had refused to accept them. He'd worked, well, doggedly, until their rightful owner was running them. And as happy as he was to be back at the X Files, it was tarnished by his deteriorating relationship with Scully. It seemed he wasn't fated for balance in his life. Whenever one part was leveling out, the other became horrible skewed. And he didn't have a clue how to straighten it out again. He stood at the closed door, his hand poised to twist the knob. A sudden flash from eight years ago assailed him. When Scully first knocked on this door, when he first saw her. When he first began to lose his heart to her. And now that he'd lost it completely, he wasn't sure she even wanted it anymore. "What's the matter, Agent Mulder? Lose your keys again?" Doggett let the elevator doors close behind him and walked slowly towards his partner. "No," Mulder said, twisting the knob and taking his place behind the familiar desk. Watching Doggett taking the place where Scully should be only soured his mood. "So." Mulder let the word go, staring at the pictures of Samantha and Scully holding Will on his desk. "How's the baby?" Doggett tried again, looking for anything that would pick Mulder up out of the funk he'd been mired in lately. "Fine." Strike two, Doggett swore inwardly. "Has he turned over yet?" Doggett wracked his memory for the things-to-talk-to-new-parents-about file. "He's gonna be a pretty active kid, if the pregnancy is any indication. I remember when he'd kick. Almost knocked Scully out of her chair." Mulder stood so fast, he knocked over his chair. He cleared his desk with a swipe of his hand and left the office without another word. "And John Doggett goes down swinging," Doggett muttered, burying his head into his hands. Scully placed Will in his bassinet and sent a silent prayer to the baby-nap angels that he'd sleep for at least an hour. He'd been cranky all morning and it had taken nearly twenty minutes of rocking just to get him to close his eyes. Probably picking up on my mood, she thought. She couldn't believe the things she'd said last night. She'd meant every word, but still couldn't figure out which neural impulse had failed causing the hateful words to come out. And now, she couldn't shake the look on his face when she'd said them. Over eight years, Scully thought she'd seen his every expression, every facial nuance that made up Mulder. She'd been wrong. The shock, the pain, the deep sadness that merged in his muscles was one she'd never forget. After Will's birth, Scully had been positive that they were finally on the right track. That they'd finally passed all the barriers his abduction and return from the grave had caused. Mulder had held their son, and kissed her with such incredible tenderness, Scully had been sure her heart would burst with love for both of them. But in the days that followed, he'd pulled back from them even more than when he'd left the hospital. He rarely spoke. He wouldn't hold or feed the baby, he'd only stare. He didn't even touch her anymore. They slept side by side, but miles apart. If he hadn't insisted on giving up his apartment right after Will was born, Scully was positive he'd be living there now. Scully refused to harbor regrets over her outburst. Something had to change, and change soon, if they were to continue. They couldn't live like this, she thought, swiping angrily at the tears forming in her eyes. A knock sounded suddenly and Scully sprinted to the door before it woke the baby. "Agent Doggett?" Scully opened the door to the last person on earth she expected at ten on a Monday morning. "Would it bother you a lot to call me John?" Doggett asked before he even entered the apartment. "I'm really beginning to miss my first name." "Of course not, Ag. . . John." She stumbled a bit, but got it out. "Come on in." Doggett hadn't been to the apartment since right after Will was born. Seeing it now, he felt a wave of nostalgia. His house had looked exactly the same when Luke was a newborn. Bibs and cloth diapers were strewn across the furniture, bottles were stacked in the sink. And it looked like a stuffed animal factory exploded in the living room. Scully had passed by him and took a seat on the couch, staring at something just over her knees. "How's it going?" "I'm fine," she said, a bit too quickly. "Really," he drew the word out. "Glad to hear it." Unsure of himself, but desperate to do something, he reached over and touched her shoulder. He'd by God get one of them talking, come hell or high water. "Oh, who am I kidding?" Scully sniffed once before allowing the tears to come again. Scully hated every tear that fell, but they fell anyway. Moreso lately as tensions rose between she and Mulder. The tears abated after a few minutes. "It's gonna be okay, you know," Doggett said softly while she wiped the damp trails on her cheeks. "How, John? How is it ever going to be okay? I have a healthy, human, baby boy, but his father won't come near either one of us anymore. He looks at Will like he's going to start bleeding green at any minute. He treats me like a piece of china that's already cracking. We don't talk, we just exist." She paused and took in a deep breath. "Or we fight." And that was the hardest part to handle, Scully thought. Fighting about a case was one thing. Fighting about this new partnership was another. She felt anger begin to rise up when Doggett smiled at her. "I said something funny?" "Yeah, kinda. My ex-wife screamed that speech at me when Luke was a month old. Without the references to green blood, of course. If memory serves, I was an inconsiderate, unfeeling, heartless son-of-a-bitch. All things being equal, I liked your version a little better." When Scully only looked at him, he continued. "Let me guess, Will isn't sleeping much, is he?" "If we're lucky, we get an hour straight," Scully confirmed. "So. You had a difficult, stressful pregnancy. Now you're barely sleeping, and your body is adjusting to not being pregnant anymore. Added to that, you are dealing with Mulder who we all thought was dead two months ago. You gave birth in less than ideal surroundings with a bunch of strangers watching you. People you thought were going to take him away from you. Am I missing anything?" "Only that I haven't had an adult conversation that didn't revolve around diapers, spit-up, lactation, or the condition of my uterus in six weeks." They both chuckled over that. It seemed to break the dismal pall that had been omnipresent since he walked in. "So how did you get past it?" "We talked a lot, cried a lot. Then Luke started sleeping more regularly, and I got more comfortable around him." Doggett felt the familiar ache of loneliness for the son he'd only had a few short years. Doggett's cell phone chose that moment to shrill. As he answered, Scully went to the windows and pulled up the shades. When the streams of sunlight hit the laundry, she began moving through the apartment gathering it up. When he ended his conversation, Scully was just finishing up the dishes. "I've gotta get back to the basement," Doggett said behind her. And she nearly knocked him over when she wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you, Ag-" she stopped herself, "John." That's how Mulder found them when he walked into the apartment. Scully, with tears in her eyes, her arms locked around Doggett's middle. "Am I interrupting?" Mulder ground out sarcastically. "No," Doggett took a step back. The barely contained anger in Mulder's eyes had him fighting the urge to run like hell. "I was just leaving." "Something you want to tell me?" Mulder asked as the door closed behind Doggett. "I was just thanking him." Scully placed the last bottle on the drying rack and wiped her hands on a nearby towel. "For what?" "For being there when I needed to talk." Scully threw the towel onto the counter, lowering her voice so as not to wake Will. "Like I'm not here? Or is it that you prefer your ex-partner now?" "It was different talking to John." "John?" "Yes," Scully purposely let that question pass without comment. "He's been a parent, Mulder. He knows first hand about what it's like with a newborn in the house." "He seems to know a lot of things first hand," Mulder grumbled. "Mulder," Scully's hackles raised in defense of her friend when she saw something spark in Mulder's face. "You're jealous," she said incredulously. "Damn right, I'm jealous, Scully. This is my son, but he felt the first kicks. He stood by you during the early crises. He watched as Will grew inside you. And now he's the one you turn to when you need to talk. It seems all I did right was donate some DNA." Not knowing what else to do, Scully moved directly in front of him, taking his hands in hers. "You did more than that Mulder. For eight years, you've stood by me through every conceivable trauma. The deaths of my father and sister, cancer, abductions. You helped me try and have a baby even when most doctors said it was impossible. You comforted me when those procedures failed. And then you gave me the greatest gift of all." "William?" he asked, voice soft to hide the emotion building. "No, Mulder," Scully squeezed his hands. "You." Eyes locked, Mulder pulled Scully to him and placed his lips firmly on hers. He poured all of his frustration, love and fear into it and was rewarded with Scully's energetic response. She deepened the kiss and wound her arms firmly around his neck, her fingers fisting in his hair. They were just coming up for air, when Will broke them apart. "Will you get him while I warm the bottle?" Scully asked, still breathless, and feeling optimistic for the first time in weeks. "Uh," Mulder hesitated. "Why don't I warm the bottle?" Scully felt her heart sink. He was still avoiding Will. Maybe John was right, it would take time. As she walked to the bedroom and picked him up, something else John said clicked. Something about him getting more comfortable around Luke. It couldn't be that simple, could it? "Here you go," Mulder smiled slightly, handing the warmed bottle to Scully. "Keep it," she said firmly. "You're feeding him." "Me?" he croaked. "Scully, I. . ." Scully didn't let him finish. With her free arm, she pushed Mulder into the couch and passed him the baby. She noticed the slight shake in his hands. Without a word, she positioned Will in the curve of Mulder's arm, tied the bib and handed him the bottle. "Stay with me?" he asked quietly. "I'm not going anywhere," she said in the same tone. A peaceful silence enveloped the room, broken only by Will's sucking. Scully watched as father and son stared at one another. Will brought his hand up and placed in onto Mulder's cheek, exploring. When his fingers reached Mulder's mouth and he placed a kiss to them, she didn't even try to keep the tears from falling. Scully had been upset to learn that she wouldn't be able to nurse Will. The stress of his delivery had stunted her milk production. But as she watched Mulder feeding his son, she thought that maybe it happened for a reason. "He needs to burp," Scully hated to interrupt them, but didn't want him spitting up half the bottle, either. "Are you sure I won't crush him?" Mulder asked hesitantly. When he'd watched Will sleeping that first night, he'd been awed by how small the baby was. Then he'd looked at his own hands, done some quick comparisons and decided that handling his son would have to wait until the baby was bigger. He held the baby awkwardly to his shoulder and patted his back. At Scully's urging he put a little more force into the light taps and was rewarded with a resonant release. Scully gave him the go ahead nod and he returned Will to the crook of his arm and placed the bottle back in his mouth. Tentatively, Scully mentioned that she needed a shower. Mulder waved her off towards the bathroom with an instruction to take her time. "We've got man stuff to talk about." She left them reluctantly, but the idea of a shower without Will's fussing was too tempting to resist. Although she couldn't hear the words, the bass of Mulder's voice carried into the room. Stealthily, she tiptoed back to the living room in time to hear Mulder ask "Can you say baseball, Will?" She finished her shower in record time, still a little uneasy leaving an anxious new dad alone with a temperamental baby. The quiet in the adjoining room disconcerted her further. Donning her robe, she opened the bathroom door wide enough to see the couch. And her breath caught in a gasp. Mulder sat where she'd left him on the couch. William lay across his chest, head pillowed on Mulder's shoulder. His hands were wrapped around the baby securely. Both were fast asleep. Touched beyond bearing at the sight before her, Scully felt her heart fill as fast as her eyes. Not wanting to disturb them, but not wanting to leave either, Scully sat gently next to Mulder. The quiet in the room grew and she felt herself drifting into sleep. Just as she was about to doze off, she felt a hand on hers. Their eyes met and the same time their hands clasped. Green pierced blue and for a moment, neither Mulder nor Scully even breathed. And the words of love, future and togetherness that passed were as real as if they'd been spoken. Simultaneously, they closed their eyes again and napped with their son, hands together, hearts melded. A family. -end-