We want your fic!

To submit your fic, send an email to jeri with "SWLD Submission" as the subject, and the following in the body of the email:

1. Title
2. Author and email
3. Rating (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)
4. Spoilers (in chronological order)
5. Summary (just a short one is fine)

Then attach your fic as a .txt file (no MSWord ".doc" or Rich Text Files ".rtf")

Your fic will be accepted, unless it doesn't meet the basic requirements of being:

an MSR

NO DSR (Doggett/Scully) or MRR (Mulder/Reyes) will be archived here!*
The X-Files Most Unwanted will be more than willing to take your DSRs.

*If you're not sure if your story is appropriate for this archive, please email me with your questions; I'll be more than happy to read over your story and make the decision. Sometimes Sometimes a story can have shades of D/S UST and still be acceptable for the SWLD archive. Examples include Ad Aeternum, His, and Interregnum II.

A good rule to live by when dealing with troublesome D/S UST: does the UST prevent a Mulder/Scully relationship? If it does, it isn't suitable for SWLD. If it doesn't, then it should work. :)